JCI Indication
Bullish (Moderate)
Support /
Resistance: 6,078 – 6,275
Market Drivers:
U.S. Non-Farm Payrolls (May)
- Increased just 75,000 vs expectation of of
180,000 gain
G20 Finance Ministers Meeting
- Trade and geopolitical tensions have intensified,
raising risks to improving global growth
- Stopped short of calling for a resolution of a
U.S.-China trade conflict
- To compile common rules by 2020 to close loopholes
used by global tech giants to reduce their corporate taxes
Japan GDP 1Q19
- Grew 2.2% (Y/Y), slightly faster than initially
estimated (2.1% Y/Y)
- QoQ, it expanded 0.6% vs 0.5% growth in the initial
- Capital spending rose 0.3% (Q/Q) vs the preliminary
- Private consumption (60% of GDP) fell 0.1% Q/Q,
unchanged from the preliminary reading
The TOWR plan to add fiber optic networks will be realized in the third quarter of this year by adding around 13,600 kilometers of new fiber optic network.
STAR changed its name to PT Buana Artha Anugerah Tbk and planned to conduct a rights issue by issuing as many as 10 bn new shares from the port with a nominal value of IDR 10 per share.
SKYB diversified its business in the field of property management by acquiring two companies in the field of property operators with a value of IDR 1.65 bn.
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